One Subscription.Endless Features.
Pellentesque quis eros ullamcorper, cursus purus sed, convallis est. Ut placerat blandit elit a dignissim. Proin in lorem suscipit lectus commodo tincidunt. Morbi neque dolor, elementum in scelerisque at, semper ut ipsum. Nulla et nisi vel tellus tristique sagittis.
Our Trusted Partners
Case Study
Quisque fringilla finibus magna.
Suspendisse in porttitor magna, et ullamcorper leo. Nunc sed est in magna hendrerit semper. Praesent tempus ultricies commodo. Integer sit amet erat eu dolor blandit eleifend. Sed ultricies nisl dui, non viverra ipsum varius non.
Rookie Ramp-up
• Pre-covid: 8 months v Q1 2023:
4 months
• = 100% increase
Total PT hours
• Q1 2022: 409k v Q1 2023: 595k
• = 45% increase in 12 months
PT penetration
• Pre-covid: 8% v August 22: 13%
• = 63% increase
Guest to member closing rate
• Up from 56% to 72% within 12 months of launching goXpro.
goXpro allows us to standardise our education journeys and accelerate the skills training for our 600 personal trainers. This rapidly increases trainer capability and confidence which enhances the member experience. The business benefits from both cost and efficiency, staff wellbeing and retention improvements and ultimately revenue growth from client conversion and satisfaction.
David Prosser COO
Fitness First & Celebrity Fitness, Southeast Asia
Why GoXPro for Gym Owners?
With our solution, you will:
Reduce the need to pay for multiple platforms to run your business
Achieve higher personal training revenue
Increase PT and client satisfaction
Vastly improve business efficiencies with streamlined business management and payments.
Easily up-skill trainers and create world-class trainers faster - who stay with you.
GXP’s dynamic platform is
jam-packed with amazing features
jam-packed with amazing features
Software Integrations
Cras scelerisque consectetur orci, faucibus tempus dui.
Manage your software
- Circuit
- Xoda
- Domicil’ Gym
- ‘Your Club software
Manage payments
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Case Studies
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